The vaccine rows are just the first of many spats between the EU and the UK | Anand Menon

Though cooperation is in the interests of both sides, the EU now sees Britain as a third country and competitor

It’s hardly been the most encouraging of starts. Rather than settling down to make their new trade and cooperation agreement (TCA) work, the UK and EU have become embroiled in a series of rows over vaccines and the EU representative in London. These may scar relations for some time to come. More worryingly, both emanate from broader structural forces, meaning strained relations may be here to stay.

Like it or not, the two sides are condemned to work together. For one thing, the TCA ensures a continuation of negotiations between the EU and UK within the intricate institutional structure created to work out the details of its implementation. Meanwhile, the UK and the EU confront common threats and share vital interests. Effective cooperation is in the interests of both.

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