Country diary: rabbits pose for a classic Easter scene

Langstone, Hampshire: Rabbits may be seen as symbols of fertility, but they are also linked to the idea of the immaculate conception

It’s one of those tranquil early spring evenings, the sky blushing pink as the egg-yolk yellow sun begins to slip below the horizon. Standing on the bridge that spans the Langbrook stream, I watch a pair of courting mute swans, the territorial cob raising his wings in full sail, as he busks an encroaching drake mallard, driving it upstream. In the thicket, two duelling song thrushes are in full voice.

In a matter of weeks, the bones of the landscape will be clothed in verdant green leaves, but today the bare branches are covered with greenfinches. As I watch the chattering, 53-strong flock take flight, I hear scuffling in the hedgerow on the opposite bank – my eye is drawn to a flash of white tail, glimpsed low through the tangle of brambles.

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