Don’t always blame the fox says flockmaster: Country diary, 29 April 1946

29 April 1946 Carrion crows often to blame for the killing of weaker lambs

A vixen was seen at daybreak with a cub dangling from her jaws. She was crossing swiftly the strath at the head of the lake to a mountain coombe notorious for the number of deep bields in which foxes seek refuge in time of danger. The flockmaster explained that the vixen had been disturbed by a visitor’s terrier who had “marked” the earth in which she had laid down her cubs. “That would be the last of the litter,” he added. “She hadn’t much more than a mile and a half to go, and she’d probably spent the night in removing the litter.”

Related: Country diary: this fox won't give up its prey without a fight

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