Australia politics live update: Scott Morrison to introduce religious discrimination bill to parliament

Legislation which contains a controversial statement of belief clause is expected to pass the lower house before being examined by a Senate committee. Follow live updates

Trent Zimmerman, one of the Coalition moderates, wants the government to fix the Sex Discrimination Act – now.

It’s in the frame of the religious discrimination bill – moderates, like Zimmerman, want stronger protections for children, no matter their sexuality, and don’t see why there needs to be a year-long wait for the Australian Law Commission to review the law:

My view is there’s no earthly reason why we can’t be getting on with this now, rather than putting in place a review that will go for longer than 12 months.

Because it is disturbing that still today a school could exercise those rights to expel a student because of their sexuality. As someone who has personally lived through this, that fear of action by your school during that extraordinarily difficult time in your life, when you’re coming to terms with your sexuality is something that can have a profound impact on a young person.

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