Weatherwatch: Israel hit by torrential rain and flash floods

Drains blocked by sand after extended dry period are thought to have worsened conditions

Flash flooding affected some parts of Israel last week with the country hit by frequent storms. Earlier this year, the country experienced an extended period of dry and windy conditions. This is thought to have exacerbated the flooding, with drainage systems blocked by sand and the infrastructure unable to cope with torrential downpours. Vehicles skidded off roads and people became stranded in the flooding. One man found unconscious in the flood waters.

Somalia is heading for its fourth consecutive drought, with worsening conditions expected over the coming months. So far, more than 100,000 people have fled their homes looking for water and food. Extreme drought conditions can affect 80% of the country of 2 million people. Projected to be one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, Somalia has been ravaged by natural disasters, with 12 droughts and 19 flooding events since 1990.

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