Qerro Media Service - QMS's Post

Update / ወላይታ
ከሟቹ ወታደር ባልደረቦች 8 የመከላከያ ሰራዊት አባላት የሆኑ ወታደሮች የመንግስትን ጭካኔ የ36 ንፁሃን ሰዎች ሞት እና ስልታዊ ወንጀል ተቃውመው ከህዝብ ትግል ጋር ተቀላቅሏል። መንግስትም ፍተሻውን እያጧጧፈ ነው፡፡

Eight members of the military unit deployed in Wolaita defected joining people's cause. They are protesting illegal government order to kill 36 innocent youth including a pregnant mother and children. It is claimed that there is heavy division in the army when it comes to government behaviour towards peaceful residents of Wolaita and other areas.

Heavy internal interrogations and confiscation are underway. The army is knocking door to door in search of the soldiers. Heavy army surveilance is ordered as the top army generals are terrified of this unexpected incident.

ህዝብ ያሸንፋል!
People Shall Prevail!
By: via Qerro Media Service - QMS

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