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Magaalaa Finfinneetti lafti kaaree meetirri miiliyoonni 13 ol karaa seeraan alaan weeraramuu ibsame!

Magaalaa Finfinnee aanaalee 121 keessatti lafti kaaree Meetirri miiliyoonni 13 fi kumni dhibbi 5 fi kumni 23 ol karaa seeraan alaan weeararamuu itti aantuu kantibaan magaalaa Finfinnee aadde Adaanach Abeebee ibsan.

Rakkoon weerara lafaa kun hundee kan jabeeffatee fi kan bubbule ta’uu ibsaniiru.

Weerarichi kutaa magaalaa hunda keessa kan jiru yoo ta’u, Boolee, Eekkaa, Nifaas Silk Laaftoo, Aqaaqii Qaallittii fi Gullalleetti daraan kan heddumatu ta’uu eeraniiru.

Gocha kana keessatti dhaabbileen amantaa fi Riil Isteetiin sadarkaa duraan kanneen hirmaatan ta’uu eerameera.

Dhaabbileen misooma Riil Isteetii lafa kaaree Meetira kuma dhibba 1 fi kuma 84 fi 208, dhaabbileen amantaa lafa kaaree Meetira kuma 97 ol karaa seeraan alaan qabachuu ibsameera.

Naannoon seeraan ala hundaa’an 64 lafa kaaree meetira miiliyoona 6.8 seeraan ala weeraruu fi lafa kaaree meetira miiliyoona 1.3 irratti dallaan seeraan ala dalleeffamee argamuu himameera.

Weerara lafaa kanarratti qaamoleen hirmaatan hedduu ta’anis, ka’umsi madda rakkichaa olaanaan dhaabbilee mootummaa ta’uu aadde Adaanach eeraniiru.

Hoggantoonni mootummaa, hojjettoonni mootummaa fi kanneen isaan faan hidhata qaban faddaaltoonni, abbootiin qabeenyaa, dhaabbileen amantaa gocha seeraan alaa kana keessatti adda durummaan kan hirmaatan ta’uu ibsaniiru.

Keessattuu wayita mootummaan dhimmoota garaagaraan muddama keessa jiru gochaan seeraan alaa kun bal’inaan raawwatamuu eeraniiru.

Hojii weerara seeraan alaa kana sirreessuu fi ittisuuf hojii mootummaan eegale jiraattoonni magaalichaa haaluma amma eegalaniin deeggarsa barbaachisu akka taasiisan waamicha dhiyeessaniiru.

Maddi: TOI
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Oromiyaa Irratti Eenyutu ummata Fixaa jira?

Yeroo ammaa Oromiyaa keessatti mana hidhaarraa baasanii ajjeesuu, mana jiraattotaa gubuu, hidhaa jumlaa fi saamichi guddaan geggeeffamaa jira.

Gochaan fokkisaa fi hammeenyaa kun murtoo MM Abiyyi Ahimad karaa Garee Shimallis Abdiisaatin dabarseen raawwatamaa kan jiru yoo tahu sadarkaa Oromiyaatti waajjira PP irraa koreedhaan hogganamaa jira.

Koreen Waajjira PP kunis miseensota manaajimantii 7 qaba. Isaanis:

1. Fiqaaduu Tasammaa
2. Mogos Ida’ee,
3. Abarraa Warquu
4. Sadaat Nashaa,
5. Taayyee Danda’a,
6. Namarraa Bulaa,
7. Getu Wayyeessaa (yeroo ammaa hogganaa waajjira Shimallis) yoo tahan isaan kanneen keessaa akka malee ummata ajjeesisaa kan jiran namoota 4 dha. Isaanis

1. Fiqaaduu Tasammaa
2. Mogos Ida'ee
3. Geetuu Wayyeessaa fi
4. Taayyee Danda'aati.

Hojii raawachiistuun immoo Abebee Garasuufi warra Dhimma nageenyaa keessa dalagan dha.

Jarri kun gaaf tokko hojii harka isaanii akka argatan shakkii hin qabu
Hailu lelisa)
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Iyyaasun abbaa isaa Mootii Walloo Raas Mikaa'el (duraan Raas Mahammad Alii) fi haadha isaa intala Minilik Shawaaraggaa irraa dhalate. Minilik Ilma dhiiraa hin qabu. Xaayitun(haati warraa Minilik) yeroo aangoo irraa dhorkamtu dargaggoo Mootummaa Minilik dhaaluf qophaa’u jalaa gufuun tokko buqqa’e. Waggaa isatti bara 1903 bakka bu’aa (እንደራሴ) isaa kan ta’e Bitwaddad Raas Tasammaan yeroo du’e immoo dargaggoo Iyyaasuudhan kan dorgomu ni dhabame Angoo guutuu dhuunfachu kan isa dhorke kan xuuxamee dhumee garuu du’uu dide qaama Minilik qofa ture Mootii moototaa tahuu yoo baateyyuu yeroon aangoo Iyyaasuu bara 1903 hanga bara 1909 ture, Haa ta’uu malee jalqabuma irratti qixa hin eegamne irraa humni taayitaa Iyyaasuu falmu dhalate Ajaja Xaayituutin Finfinnee akka hin geenye kan dhorkamee ture Raas Abaataan Nugusummaa irraa dhorkamuu Xaayituu akkuma bareen hamilee injiffannootin gara Finfinnee dhufee barcuma mootii Minilik qabachuudhaf yaada kan jedhu oduun faca’e Karaa……

oduun faca’e Karaa tokko bakka Raas Tasammaa nama isaaf ta’u buusee karaa biroo immoo Zawdituu (intala Minilik) fuudhee yeroo isheen muudamtu maqaa isheetin bituudhaf yaala hamiin jedhuus ture Dubbichiis kan ifa bahe meeshaa masaraa mootichaa keessa jiru qabachuudhaf yeroo seenudhaf yaale ture. Waardiyyotni masaraa Fitawraarii Gabramaariyaamin hogganaman hin seensisnu jedhanii giddutti dubbin cimaan erga dhalatee booda Abuniin (hogganaa amantii Ortodoksii) gidduu seenee dhiigni otuu hin dhagala’in qabbanesse. Abaataanis gara naannoo bittaa isa jala jiru Kambaatatti deebi’uuf waliigale. Abbaa Iyyaasuu Raas Mikaa’elif garuu kun gahaa hin turre. Angoo seerri ilma isaatif kennu mormitotni itti baay'atanii waan rakkisanif fakkata. rakkoo kana guutummatti dhabamsiisudhaaf loltoota 8000 qajeelchudhaan Finfinnee dhufe Sana boodas Abaataa Kambaataa irraa waamsisee Maq-dhalaatti ergee hidhamee akka turu godhe.
kutaa 2ffaan itti fufa

Seenaa Oromoo
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[Forwarded from Etana Habte (Etana Habte)]
Bulchiinsi Magaalaa Finfinnee albuudotaa fi bishaan dabalatee qabeenya uumamaa Oromiyaan qabdu tola fayyadama, takkaa saantima tokko kaffalee hinbeeku. Finfinneen magaalota Oromiyaa keessaa tokko akka taate heerri biyyaa mirkaneessee osoo jiruu, ji’ograafiin utuma ifatti agarsiisuu, seenaan dhimmoota kanaas beekamaa ta’ee osoo jiruu, hariiroo Finfinnee fi Oromiyaa gidduu jiru dubbachuu har’a yakka ta’ee jira. Guyyaa har’aa Abiy Amaara kokkee isa qabdee jirtu sossobachuuf jedhee karaa boroo naanna’ee kaazenaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Finfinnee keessaa loltoota Naannoo Amaaraaf birrii miliyoona dhibba sadii harka Adaanech Abeebeetiin badhaasee jira. Waanan kaaseefan qaba. Qabeenyi biyya keenyaa, aangoon mootummaa fi caasaan nageenyaa harka humnoota Oromoo ijaajjiitti jibbanii seenee jira. Rakkoo hamma ammaatti uummata keenya irra ga’aa jiru baay’eedha jennee yaadaa jirra taanaan dogongorree jirra. Warri amma aangoo qabate kun Oromoo miidhanii warra quufan miti. Jabaannee gamtaadhaan qabsoo finiinsuu qofatu fala. Inni isaa asii “kun qarqara, quufni guddaan galagala” isa jedhu nuuf dhaama. Mudhii hidhachuu barbaachisa. #AbiyMustGo
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War is not a solution to anything. Violence creates more disaster than it claims to prevent. That's why we always insist on a political solution to a political problem. That's why we insist on a constitutional-legal frame that secures a lasting peace.

Abiy's war on Tigray isn't just a treasonous war on one's own people. It is not just a war of eliminating dissent and a genocidal war at that. It is not just an act constituting war crime and crime against humanity. Nor is it just a childish misadventure on the part of #Abiy_Ahmed and a strategic military disaster for Ethiopia. As the unraveling of its operation on the ground shows, it is all of that and more. It is essentially, and ultimately, self-destructive.

#NoToWar! #StopTheWarOnPeoples!
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Qerro Media Service - QMS's Post

War is not a solution to anything. Violence creates more disaster than it claims to prevent. That's why we always insist on a political solution to a political problem. That's why we insist on a constitutional-legal frame that secures a lasting peace.

Abiy's war on Tigray isn't just a treasonous war on one's own people. It is not just a war of eliminating dissent and a genocidal war at that. It is not just an act constituting war crime and crime against humanity. Nor is it just a childish misadventure on the part of #Abiy_Ahmed and a strategic military disaster for Ethiopia. As the unraveling of its operation on the ground shows, it is all of that and more. It is essentially, and ultimately, self-destructive.

#NoToWar! #StopTheWarOnPeoples!
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Chris means well, but he didn't get it right--and perhaps misinformed!
I know Congressman Chris Smith means well for Ethiopia but he must have been misled about some facts in the build up to the hearing yesterday.

One can overlook his remarks about Abiy being 'reform-minded' (because of the media hype regarding this). But there are some inaccuracies that, having gotten into his statement, not only mar his neutrality but inflame the conflict even further.

1. A case in point is his reference to Jawar Mohammed (and OLF) as separatists who pose a challenge to Abiy's vision for Ethiopia.

First of all, Jawar is not separatist. He has never advanced a separatist agenda in his long career as an Oromo activist and/or political analyst and commentator of Ethiopian politics.

The Oromo Federalist Congress, the party Jawar is a member of, is the most centrist party in Ethiopia todate. In fact, Dr Merera Gudina, the founder of OFC (originally ONC, later united with Bulcha Demeksa's OFDM to form OFC) started party politics by expressing his scepticism about the self-determination clause in the constitition and by distancing himself from OLF which, because of its insistence on selfdetermination rights of the Oromo, was then viewed as a separatist party.

To lump Jawar to OLF and to claim that he is separatist is to mischaracterize both Jawar and his party, i.e., the OFC.

2. Also, considering the fact that no party in Ethiopia today is demanding more than what the constitution guarantees under Art 39, it is inappropriate to refer to OLF as separatist just because OLF advances the fulfilment of self-determination rights of nations--the same right recognized in the Ethiopian constitution. To demand rights under the constitution is only to affirm and reinforce the constitution. It is not seeking separatism, or otherwise challenging Abiy's vision (if at all he has any) of Ethiopia.

To refer to OLF and Jawar as separatists, without substantiating the claim with evidence, is to fall into the trap of the ethio-Amhara elite's relentless insinuations and incrimination of all Oromo parties and personalities as such.

In conflating Jawar (and his OFC) with OLF, Congressman Smith committed a mistake about the facts. In claiming that both are separatists challenging Abiy, he made an error of judgement both about Jawar (or his OFC) and OLF. In doing this, he re-enacted, unwittingly, the ethio-Amhara elite's discursive act of demonizing the Oromo for no reason (other than oromophobia).

3. Congressman Smith also says that the Federalist constitution "fuels conflicts, encourages separatism and ethnic cleansing, and exacerbates existing ethnic and tensions." In saying that, Congressman Smith erred again. A cursory reading of the constitution suggests tge exact contrary. In deed, the constitution's recognition of multinational federalism as a framework of enjoying equality, dignity-in-identity, and self-determination was a guarantee for a "lasting peace," justice, deep pluralism, and radical tolerance. On this point, like on the above two, Congressman Smith must have been influenced by the agitations of the Ethiopianist elite who deride the federal system because it's against privileges of the few and supremacist ideologies of the ethio-Amhara elites.

I think he will do well in the future to try and hear the other side of the story as he continues to advance the cause of peace, justice, and human rights in Ethiopia and the horn.
By: via Qerro Media Service - QMS

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